USWEEP completes final training to expand field of social work

June 26, 2019

USWEEP Project Manager Lyudmila Kim and Principal Investigator Dr. Timothy Hunt completed the third and final round of "train the trainer" for local providers to continue their efforts to support the growth of the social work field in Uzbekistan.

The Uzbekistan Social Work Education for Excellence Project (USWEEP) is a collaboration between UNICEF, the Columbia University School of Social Work (CSSW), the Social Intervention Group (SIG), and the Uzbekistan National Team* to develop social work as part of academic programs, deliver in-service trainings, and adapt evidence-based interventions.

This month, Principal Investigator and SIG Associate Director Dr. Timothy Hunt traveled to Uzbekistan to complete the third and final round of "train the trainer" for local providers to continue their efforts to support the growth of the social work field in Uzbekistan, along with USWEEP Project Manager Lyudmila Kim.


People sitting around a boardroom table being trained by L. Kim

In addition to the "train the trainer" program, Ms. Kim  conducted a one-day training for practitioners on working with trauma, a two-day training for students on social work practice, and a support visit to Samarkand university to advocate on behalf of the department of social work and ensure the support of staff and students in further strengthening of the social work education and field practice. She also worked with the National Team* on the short-term certified program design, and continues to work with  small teams on course designs.

Next, the Family Center (OILA) will be using the curriculum developed in partnership with the National Team* and UNICEF will be publishing the National Assessment, which the SIG team will share once published. These efforts were also contributed to by the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance.

The USWEEP project was covered in an article by the National Uzbek publication Gazeta (for an English version, use your browser to translate).

Read more about USWEEP.

* The National Team is comprised of academics from three universities -- the National University, Samarkand State University and Fergana State University -- and professionals working in social welfare organizations, developing social work as academic programs, delivering in-service trainings, and adapting evidence-based interventions.

USWEEP Project Manager Lyudmila Kim delivers training to a full table of participants
photo of training participants with certificates