We implement evidence-based solutions to HIV and emerging health and social issues affecting diverse populations.
The Social Intervention Group is a global leader in intervention, prevention, behavioral, and implementation research on communicable and non-communicable diseases.
Active Research Projects
Adolescent Responses to COVID-19 (ARC)
The Adolescent Responses to COVID-19 (ARC) study aims to examine adolescents' patterns of social connectedness during the COVID-19 pandemic and impacts on adolescent mental health through a mobile app and smartwatch.
Peer-based HIV Self-testing among Women Who Inject or Use Drugs in Kazakhstan, Central Asia
The aim of this study is to assess acceptability, feasibility, preliminary efficacy and cost of a peer-based HIV self-testing intervention to increase consistent HIV testing among women who exchange sex and inject drugs in Kazakhstan.
Society for Social Work Research Conference Features SIG Research
Social Intervention Group researchers will highlight their work with presentations and by leading sessions and symposiums.
HEALing Communities Study Dramatically Increased Naloxone Distribution in Participating Counties
A new paper from the HEALing Communities Study shows that opioid education and naloxone distribution, one of the study's key arms, increased in the trial arm counties compared to those in the usual care arm of the study.
Dr. Malitta Engstrom Rejoins SIG as a Visiting Scholar
Dr. Engstrom, who received her MSW and PhD from Columbia, hopes to use this time to collaborate with SIG researchers and share her expertise about substance use and HIV in older women.